Facts and Figures
Sunset at Sleepy Cove, August 2008.
Location : Atlantic Ocean
Coordinates : 49°N 56°W
Country : Canada
Province : Newfoundland and Labrador
Capital : St. John's
Area :
- Newfoundland : 111,390 km²
- Labrador : 294,330 km²
- Total province : 405,720 km²
Coastline : 9,656 km
Highest point : The Cabox (814 meter)
Longest river : Exploits River (246 km)
Population (2011) :
- Newfoundland : 487,808 ( 2006: 479,105 | 1991: 538,099 )
- Labrador : 26,728 ( 2006: 26,364 | 1991: 30,375 )
- Total province : 514,536 ( 2006: 505,469 | 1991: 568,474 )
Source: Population and Dwelling Counts - Newfoundland and Labrador, Census Division - 2011 Census
The official provincial flag of Newfoundland and Labrador
The flag of Newfoundland (not official)
Density : 4.3 inhabitants/km²
Largest municipalities on Newfoundland (2006 population) :
- St. John's (100,646)
- Mount Pearl (24,671)
- Conception Bay South (21,966)
- Corner Brook (20,083)
- Grand Falls-Windsor (13,558)
- Paradise (12,584)
- Gander (9,951)
- Stephenville (6,588)
- Portugal Cove-St. Philip's (6,575)
- Torbay (6,281)
- Marystown (5,436)
- Bay Roberts (5,414)
- Clarenville (5,274)
- Deer Lake (4,827)
- Carbonear (4,723)
- Channel-Port aux Basques (4,319)
- Placentia (3,898)
- Bonavista (3,764)
- Bishop's Falls (3,399)
- Lewisporte (3,308)
Languages spoken :
- English 98.6 %
- French 0.4 %
- Other 1 %

Middle Cove, September 2008.